Të enjten, disa nga modelet më të famshme konfirmuan në rrjetet e tyre sociale se do të jenë pjesë e pasarelës Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show, që do të mbahet këtë Nëntor.


Disa nga vajzat po bëjnë një rikthim në këtë pasarelë, e ndërkohë për të tjera ky është një hap i parë shumë i madh. Mjafton të themi se të gjitha janë tepër të emocionuara. Ajo që u vu re, ishte mungesa e disa emrave të njohur në botën e modelingut si: Kendall Jenner, Gigi Haid dhe Bella Hadid.

Mos ndoshta vajzat do të përjashtohen nga shfaqja ?

Ndoshta. Ama ka ende shpresë bazuar në ngjarjen e vitit të kaluar, ku asnjë nuk e dinte për pjesëmarrjen e Kendall në shfaqje, deri sa ajo i hipi avionit për atje dhe sfiloi si një divë e vërtetë. Duhet theksuar se ka ende kohë deri në ditën e madhe.

 Epo nuk vonoi shumë edhe ajo. Të dielën, Bella Hadid postoi një foto në Instagram ku njoftoi ndjekësit e saj se do të ecte në pasarelën e VS. Sigurisht këtij njoftimi nuk do t’i mungonte një selfie super seksi!

Modelet që prekin për herë të parë pasarelën e VS për 2017:

Alexina Graham

Gizele Oliveira

I keep thanking God for blessing me so much ♥️ Hard work pays off ????? #happylife #nyc #? #VSFashionShow

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Bruna Lírio

Mayowa Nicholas

Vanessa Moody

Julia Belyakova

Aiden Curtiss

Victoria Lee

Dasha Khlystun

Estelle Chen

Can’t believe it’s happening… I’m incredibly happy to announce that I AM WALKING THE VICTORIA’S SECRET 2017 SHOW ?? ✨ I’m so thankful for everything that has happened in my life so far, every person I’ve met during these past four years, my family (mum, dad, williams, you’re the best) ❤️ and my friends who are always by my side no matter what. So many ups and downs but that’s what makes this journey so special… Thank you to my agencies and agents for believing in me and for all the hard work, and for bearing my annoying questions all the time 😉 without you it wouldn’t have been possible and above all thank you to the @victoriassecret team @johndavidpfeiffer @ed_razek @10magazine @monica.mitro ❤️ for giving me the opportunity I dreamed about since I was 13 ? can’t wait to see you guys again ✨ you inspire girls to be the best version of themselves and you make our dreams become reality? Thank you to my followers, even if I don’t respond to all your DMs, I want to say that you guys make me smile all the time and you keep me motivated throughout this incredible journey… ? Work hard for your goals and stay humble ❤️ may all your dreams come true just like mine became true today… ☁️

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Nadine Leopold

I can’t even describe how I feel right now. I will never forget the first time I got a call from Victoria’s Secret. I started from the bottom and had so many ups and downs but now I can say that if you work hard and believe in yourself and stay true to yourself the sky is the limit! I learned so much and I am so grateful. NEVER GIVE UP ON YOUR DREAMS I am so excited to let you know that I will be walking in this years VSFS ? I also want to thank EVERYONE who believed in me and pushed me and supported me along this amazing journey! If it wasn’t for all you I would not be where I am right now. I am the happiest girl right now ?? thank you from the bottom of my heart for this opportunity @ed_razek @monica.mitro @johndavidpfeiffer @10magazine ???? i am beyond grateful ❤️ #vsfashionshow

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Alecia Morais

Amilna Estevao