Ylli i Hollivudit dhe ambasadorja e vullnetit të mirë të Komisionerit të Lartë për Refugjatët i Kombeve të Bashkuara (UNHCR) Angelina Jolie vizitoi Mosulin, qytetin irakian të shkatërruar në sulmet dhe përleshjet e organizatës terroriste DEASH.

“I met parents whose 17-year-old daughter lost her legs in a mortar-strike. When they carried her to get medical treatment they were turned away, and she bled to death. It is deeply upsetting that people who have endured unparalleled brutality have so little as they try, somehow, to rebuild the lives they once had.” . UNHCR Special Envoy Angelina Jolie met Mohamed and his family in West Mosul’s Old City, Iraq, on June 16, 2018. . During the offensive to retake the city from ISIS, Mohamed’s house was hit by an airstrike killing his 17 year-old daughter and destroying most of the home. Together with his three surviving children and his wife, Mohamed fled to the home of a family friend, where they have been living ever since. However the host family can no longer support them and Mohamed may have to bring his family back to live in the ruins of their home. . The visit marked Angelina Jolie’s 61st mission – and her fifth visit to Iraq – with the UN Refugee Agency since 2001. She arrived in the city on the second day of Eid al-Fitr, the Muslim holiday marking the end of Ramadan. . Read her full statement and see more on Angelina Jolie’s visit today on our Facebook page (Facebook.com/UNHCR) . ? Photo Credit – UNHCR / @andrewmcconnellphoto . #Mosul #Iraq #AngelinaJolie #UNHCR #eid #refugees #withrefugees #hope #eidalfitr #ramadan

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 Ajo shëtiti nëpër rrënojat e Mosulit të vjetër duke biseduar me banorët dhe dëgjoi nevojat e tyre. Ajo gjithashtu informoi për aktivitetet që duhen ndërmarrë për rindërtimin e këtij qyteti të Irakut.


“Every man I met talked about the lashes and punishments inflicted by the extremists. The girls I met talked about the years of not being able to go to school, and of seeing people killed, and of feeling too afraid to leave their houses. It is deeply upsetting that people who have endured unparalleled brutality have so little as they try, somehow, to rebuild the lives they once had.” – UNHCR Special Envoy Angelina Jolie is pictured here with Falak, a little girl who is just eight years old, in Mosul today. . Falak has a gene disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder. She told Jolie who she had seen a man killed in front of her during the ISIS occupation of the city. Less than a year after its liberation, much of West Mosul still lies in ruins. . Speaking in Mosul, Special Envoy Jolie said: “I have no words for the strength it must take to rebuild after loss like this. But that is what the people of this city are doing. They are grief-stricken and traumatized, but they are also hopeful. They are clearing their homes with their own hands, and volunteering and helping each other. But they need our assistance.” . The visit marked Angelina Jolie’s 61st mission – and her fifth visit to Iraq – with the UN Refugee Agency since 2001. She arrived in the city on the second day of Eid al-Fitr, the Muslim holiday marking the end of Ramadan. . Read her full statement and see more on Angelina Jolie’s visit today on our Facebook page (Facebook.com/UNHCR) . ? Photo Credit – UNHCR / @andrewmcconnellphoto . Mosul #Iraq #AngelinaJolie #UNHCR #eid #refugees #withrefugees #hope #eidalfitr #ramadan

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“This is the worst devastation I have seen in all my years working with UNHCR”. . Our Special Envoy Angelina Jolie is in Mosul, Iraq, where she described appalling conditions: “People here have lost everything: their homes are destroyed. They are destitute.” . The Special Envoy called on the world not to forget the people of the city. She warned of the danger of delay in reconstruction and recovery. . The visit marked Angelina Jolie’s 61st mission – and her fifth visit to Iraq – with the UN Refugee Agency since 2001. She arrived in the city on the second day of Eid al-Fitr, the Muslim holiday marking the end of Ramadan. . Read her full statement and see more on Angelina Jolie’s visit today on our Facebook page (Facebook.com/UNHCR) . #Mosul #Iraq #AngelinaJolie #UNHCR #eid #refugees #withrefugees #hope #eidalfitr #ramadan ? Photo Credit – UNHCR / @andrewmcconnellphoto

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“Ky është shkatërrimi më i madh që kam parë në të gjitha vitet që unë punoj me UNHCR-në”, ka thënë Jolie.

Siç tha ajo e përlotur, njerëzit në këtë pjesë të Irakut kanë humbur çdo gjë, u bënë të varfër, nuk kanë ilaçe për fëmijët në krahët e tyre. Pjesa më e madhe nuk kanë as ujë të pijshëm të pastër.

Jolie tha se njerëzit po përpiqen të rindërtojnë shtëpitë e tyre me ndihma të kufizuara. Ajo porositi se këta njerëz kanë nevojë për ndihmë dhe se stabiliteti i qytetit është i domosdoshëm për stabilitetin e mbarë Irakut dhe rajonit në të ardhmen.

Jolie ka vizituar më parë refugjatët të cilët ishin detyruar të largohen nga shtëpitë e tyre nga sulmet e DEASH-it.